Corporate Board Openings
YCCS Corporate Board – Posted openings are for:
Vacancy-Member at large
Article 4 Governance
Section 4.3B
- Three (3) parents of students currently attending YCCS.
- Two (2) members at large selected from the community serviced by YCCS.
Section 4.6 A.
Each parent director shall resign from and be removed from the Board at the end of their term when that person no longer has at least one child attending the school. The resigned parent director may apply for an at-large director position if an at-large position is open.
Board Meetings Calendar
Regular YCCS Board Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month, and the open session begins at 5:30 p.m.
Due to deadlines and holidays, some meetings are scheduled earlier in the month.
2024 - 2025 Agenda
Coming Soon
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